How to Remove A Moen Kitchen Faucet: Step-by-Step Guide



How to Remove A Moen Kitchen Faucet

To remove a Moen kitchen faucet, unscrew the nuts, disconnect the supply lines and sprayer from under the sink.


How to remove moen kitchen faucet single handle

Locating The Handle Screw Or Set Screw

To remove the handle of your Moen kitchen faucet, find the screw that holds it in place. The screw’s position can change based on your faucet’s model. You can usually find it under a cap on top of the handle or beneath the handle.

Removing The Handle Screw

To remove the handle screw or set screw, use a screwdriver or Allen wrench to loosen and take it out. Make sure to turn the screw counterclockwise to loosen it. If the screw is difficult to loosen, you can try using penetrating oil. This oil can help loosen any rust or debris that might be causing the screw to stick.

Detaching The Handle From The Cartridge

After removing the handle screw, you can now detach the handle from the cartridge. Gently pull the handle straight up and away from the faucet body. If the handle sticks, try wiggling it while pulling up to loosen it.

After removing the handle, you can access the cartridge. You may need to remove it for maintenance or repair of your Moen kitchen faucet.

Taking off the handle of your Moen kitchen faucet is important for reaching and keeping the inside parts of your faucet. By following these simple steps, you can easily remove the handle and continue with the necessary maintenance or repair tasks.

moen kitchen faucets

Replacing moen kitchen faucet

After replacing your old Moen kitchen faucet with a new one, it’s important to check if the new faucet works properly. This step ensures that everything is working correctly and that there are no leaks or issues with water supply. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to test your new faucet:

Turning On The Water Supply

  1. Locate the shut-off valves underneath your sink and turn them counterclockwise to open the water supply.
  2. Slowly turn on the water by lifting the faucet handle or lever.
  3. Let the water flow for a few minutes to remove any dirt that may have built up during installation.

Checking For Leaks

One of the most crucial steps in testing your new Moen kitchen faucet is checking for any leaks. Even a small leak can lead to significant water damage if left unnoticed. Follow these steps to check for leaks:

  • Inspect all the connections, including the supply lines, faucet base, and handles, for any signs of water leakage.
  • If you spot any leaks, tighten the connections using an adjustable wrench or pliers until they are snug.
  • Stop the water, fix things, and then start the water again to see if there are still any leaks.

Ensuring Proper Functionality

Aside from checking for leaks, it’s crucial to ensure that your new Moen kitchen faucet is functioning correctly. Here are a few steps to verify its proper functionality:

  1. Test the hot water knob. Test the cold water knob. Make sure they can be easily turned on and off. Ensure there are no issues.
  2. Adjust the temperature to your desired setting and check if the water flows consistently at the desired temperature.
  3. Activate the sprayer or any additional features of your new faucet to ensure they are working correctly.

Test your new Moen kitchen faucet to make sure it’s installed correctly and working properly. This step is crucial in preventing any potential issues in the future and maximizing the longevity of your faucet. If you encounter any problems during the testing process, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance.

Remove  Moen kitchen faucet

Identifying The Type Of Cartridge Used

moen kitchen faucets tool

Before you start detaching the cartridge from your Moen kitchen faucet, you need to identify the type of cartridge it uses. There are three common types: the Moen 1225 cartridge, the Moen 1222 cartridge, and the Moen 1234 cartridge. Each type requires a slightly different approach for removal, so make sure you know which one you’re dealing with.

Removing The Retaining Clip Or Nut

After finding the cartridge type, remove the clip or nut that secures it in position. The location of the clip or nut varies depending on the cartridge type.

If you have the Moen 1225 cartridge, you’ll find a retaining clip at the top of the cartridge. To remove it, use a pair of pliers to squeeze the clip and pull it out. For the Moen 1222 cartridge, you’ll need to unscrew the retaining nut using an adjustable wrench or a pair of pliers. If you have the Moen 1234 cartridge, it will slide out easily without needing to remove a clip or nut.

Removing The Cartridge From The Faucet Body

With the retaining clip or nut removed, it’s time to take out the cartridge from the faucet body. Depending on the cartridge, you might need a tool or just use your fingers to remove it.

If you use a puller tool, insert it into the cartridge and tighten it until it securely attaches. Then, gradually turn the tool counterclockwise to loosen and remove the cartridge. If you don’t have a tool, you can use your fingers. Hold the cartridge tightly and pull it directly out of the faucet.

Once you’ve successfully detached the cartridge, inspect it for any signs of damage or wear. If necessary, replace the cartridge with a new one to ensure smooth operation of your Moen kitchen faucet.

How To Install A Moen Faucets

Installing a new moen faucet is a relatively simple and straightforward process that can give your kitchen an instant upgrade. This guide will assist you in installing your new Moen kitchen faucet. It is applicable whether you are replacing an old faucet or just looking to change the style of your kitchen.

Moen kitchen faucet disassembly

Start by positioning the new faucet assembly on the sink. Make sure it aligns with the pre-drilled holes in your sink or countertop. Use a tape measure or ruler to ensure that the faucet is centered and evenly spaced from the sink edges.

Once you have the position marked, use a wrench or pliers to tighten the mounting nut from below the sink. This will secure the faucet assembly in place and prevent it from moving during use.

Attaching The Retaining Nut

Next, attach the retaining nut to the bottom of the faucet assembly. This nut helps secure the faucet handle to the assembly and ensures smooth operation. Use a wrench or pliers to tighten the nut until it’s snug, but don’t overtighten as it can harm the faucet.

Connecting The Water Supply Lines

With the faucet assembly securely in place, it’s time to connect the water supply lines. To connect the supply line, attach one end to the hot water valve. Attach the other end to the matching inlet on the faucet assembly. Repeat this process for the cold water supply line.

Connect the supply lines and open the water valves to let water flow into the faucet. Check for any leaks and tighten the connections if necessary. It’s a good idea to let the water run for a few minutes. This will help remove any dirt or air bubbles in the pipes.

With the new faucet installed and the water supply lines connected, you’re ready to enjoy your upgraded kitchen. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any additional steps or recommendations specific to your Moen kitchen faucet model.

Preparing For Faucet Removal

When it comes to removing a Moen kitchen faucet, proper preparation is key. Gathering the necessary tools and shutting off the water supply are essential steps that should not be overlooked. Follow these instructions to ensure a smooth and successful faucet removal process.

Gathering The Necessary Tools

Before beginning the faucet removal process, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools to make the job easier. Here’s a list of tools you’ll need:

1. Adjustable wrench 2. Allen wrench 3. Phillips screwdriver 4. Plumber’s tape 5. Bucket Having these tools on hand will ensure that you have everything you need to tackle any challenges that may arise during the removal process.

Shutting Off The Water Supply

Before starting any work on your faucet, it’s crucial to shut off the water supply to prevent any potential leaks or water damage. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Locate the shut-off valves underneath your sink.
  2. Turn the hot and cold water valves clockwise to shut off the water supply.
  3. Once the water supply is shut off, turn on the faucet to release any remaining water in the lines.

By shutting off the water supply, you ensure a safer and mess-free removal process.

Moen kitchen faucet disassembly

Removing a Moen kitchen faucet may seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps, it can be a straightforward process. In this section, we will guide you through the steps to remove the faucet assembly, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Unscrewing The Retaining Nut

Moen faucets

The first step in removing the faucet assembly is to unscrew the retaining nut. This nut is usually located at the base of the faucet, underneath the sink. To access it, you may need to use a wrench or pliers. Carefully loosen the nut counterclockwise until it is fully removed.

Detaching The Faucet Assembly From The Sink

Once the retaining nut is removed, you can proceed to detach the faucet assembly from the sink. Gently lift the assembly upward, ensuring not to apply too much force that could damage the surrounding area. Slowly wiggle the assembly from side to side until it becomes loose. Once it is free from the sink, set it aside in a safe place.

Checking For Any Additional Securing Mechanisms

Before concluding the removal process, it is essential to check for any additional securing mechanisms that may be holding the faucet assembly in place. These mechanisms can vary depending on the model of your Moen kitchen faucet. Look for any clips or screws that may be hidden and remove them accordingly. Ensure that you have thoroughly checked for any remaining attachments before proceeding.

By following these steps, you can easily remove the faucet assembly of your Moen kitchen faucet. Remember to take your time and be gentle throughout the process to prevent any damage. In the next section, we will discuss the steps to install a new Moen kitchen faucet.

Disconnecting The Water Lines

Identifying The Type Of Water Line Connections

losse pipe

Before you begin disconnecting the water lines of your Moen kitchen faucet, it’s important to identify the type of water line connections you have. Moen faucets typically have two types of connections: compression fittings and quick connect fittings.

If your faucet has compression fittings, you’ll see a nut and ferrule at the end of the supply lines. Quick connect fittings, on the other hand, have a collet and an O-ring.

Disconnecting The Supply Lines

To disconnect the supply lines, start by shutting off the water supply to the faucet. Look for the shut-off valves beneath the sink and turn them clockwise until they are fully closed. This will stop the flow of water to the faucet and prevent any leaks.

Once the water supply is turned off, use an adjustable wrench to loosen the nuts connecting the supply lines to the faucet. Turn the nuts counterclockwise until they are loose enough to remove by hand. Be sure to have a bucket or towel handy to catch any remaining water in the lines.

Removing Any Remaining Water In The Lines

After disconnecting the supply lines, there may still be some water in the lines that needs to be removed. To do this, you can either use a bucket and towel to catch the water as you detach the lines, or you can turn on the faucet to let the remaining water flow out.

If you choose to turn on the faucet, make sure the sink drain is plugged or covered to prevent any water from going down the drain. Allow the water to flow until it stops completely, indicating that there is no more water in the lines.

How to Remove Moen Kitchen Faucet: Step-by-Step Guide



Cleaning And Preparing For Installation

When it comes to removing and replacing your Moen kitchen faucet, it’s important to begin with cleaning and preparing the area. This ensures a smooth installation process and helps maintain the longevity of your new faucet. In this part, we will assist you in checking for damage or wear on the parts. We will also clean the faucet and sink. Additionally, we will prepare the new faucet for installation.

Inspecting The Parts For Any Damage Or Wear

Before removing your old Moen kitchen faucet, check the parts for damage or wear. This step ensures that you have a clear understanding of the condition of your faucet and identifies any potential issues that may arise during the installation process.

To inspect the parts, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the water supply to the faucet by shutting off the valves located under the sink.
  2. Remove the handle of the faucet by unscrewing the set screw using an Allen wrench or screwdriver.
  3. Once you remove the handle, carefully examine the cartridge and other components for any signs of damage or wear. Check for leaks, cracks, or corrosion that may affect the performance of the faucet.
  4. Replace damaged or worn parts before installing the new faucet to ensure proper installation. This will prevent any future issues and ensure optimal functionality.
Cleaning The Faucet And Sink Area

Prior to installing your new Moen kitchen faucet, it’s essential to thoroughly clean the faucet and sink area. This step cleans and removes dirt, grime, and mineral deposits. It ensures that your new faucet is in a clean and hygienic environment.

Follow these steps to clean the faucet and sink area:

  1. Start by disconnecting the water supply lines from the existing faucet. Use an adjustable wrench or pliers to unscrew the connections.
  2. Clean the faucet and sink with a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge. Pay special attention to removing any stubborn stains or buildup.
  3. Rinse the faucet and sink thoroughly with warm water to remove any residue from the cleaning solution.
  4. Dry the faucet and sink area using a clean, lint-free cloth.
Preparing The New Faucet For Installation

First, check the pieces and clean the faucet and sink. Then, prepare the new Moen kitchen faucet for installation. This ensures that the installation process goes smoothly and that your new faucet is ready to provide years of reliable service.

Here are the steps to prepare the new faucet:

  1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions that came with your new Moen kitchen faucet. Familiarize yourself with the specific installation requirements and identify any additional tools or materials that you may need.
  2. Ensure that you have all the necessary parts and components for the installation. Check for any missing pieces and contact Moen customer service if needed.
  3. Inspect the new faucet for any visible damage or defects. If you notice any issues, contact the retailer or Moen customer service for a replacement.
  4. Refer to the installation instructions to determine the appropriate mounting method for your specific faucet model. Some faucets require a single-hole installation, while others may require multiple holes.

By following these steps, you are now ready to proceed with the installation of your new Moen kitchen faucet. Remember to double-check the manufacturer’s instructions for any specific requirements and ensure that you have the necessary tools and materials. With proper preparation, the installation process will be smooth and successful.

This video will help you (all post photo credit ) –

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Remove Moen Kitchen Faucet

How Do I Remove My Kitchen Faucet?

To remove your kitchen faucet, follow these steps: 1. Turn off the hot and cold water supply under the sink. 2. Use a wrench to loosen the nuts connecting the faucet to the sink. 3. Disconnect any supply lines or sprayers.4. Lift the faucet out of the sink. 5. Clean the area before installing a new faucet.

How Do You Remove A Moen Kitchen Cartridge?

To remove a Moen kitchen cartridge, start by turning off the water supply. Then, unscrew the mounting nuts and disconnect the supply lines and veggie sprayer. Finally, remove the faucet and veggie sprayer. You don’t need any tools for this process.

How Do You Remove A Moen Single Faucet Cartridge?

To remove a Moen single faucet cartridge, first turn off the water supply. Then, carefully unscrew and remove the handle. Next, use pliers to loosen and remove the retainer nut. Finally, pull out the cartridge from the valve body.

How Do You Remove A Single Handle Faucet Cartridge?

To remove a single handle faucet cartridge, start by turning off the water supply. Then, unscrew the handle and remove any decorative trim or cap. Next, use pliers or a specialized cartridge removal tool to grip the cartridge and gently pull it out.

Take care not to damage any surrounding parts.

How Do I Remove My Moen Kitchen Faucet?

To remove your Moen kitchen faucet, first, turn off the hot and cold water under the sink. Then, loosen the nut under the sink that holds the faucet in place.

How Do You Remove A Moen Kitchen Cartridge?

To remove a Moen kitchen cartridge, start by turning off the water supply. Then, use pliers to grip the cartridge and slowly pull it out of the faucet.

How Do You Remove A Moen Single Faucet Cartridge?

To remove a Moen single faucet cartridge, turn off the water supply. Then, locate the cartridge and use pliers to grip it. Slowly pull it straight out of the faucet.


You can remove a Moen kitchen faucet easily without any specialized tools or skills. You can easily remove your Moen kitchen faucet for replacement or repair. Just follow the steps in this blog post.

Remember to turn off the water supply and follow each step carefully to ensure a smooth and successful removal process. With these instructions, you’ll be able to remove your Moen kitchen faucet with ease and confidence.

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